About Me

Introductions are hard. Where did you come from reader?

I'm Brit. I live in Atlanta with my beautiful partner and a very silly dog.

I love skateboarding even if I don't ride anymore. I love listening to techno and playing smash bros melee even though it's 20 years old. I'm always thinking of some random snippet of Czeslaw Milosz even though I've read relatively little of his work. Unattainable Earth is very meaningful to me.

I go by kingcons. I am a programmer. I've worked as a Senior Engineer, a Lead Instructor, an Engineering Manager. It still doesn't fit quite right but I miss teaching.

I love the idea of computation. Computers are a novel medium for human communication, thought, and work. I think this is incredibly exciting and very important. Yet the tech industry is mostly interested in computers as a way to establish a platform. Getting rich by entrenching people in your product and then finding ways to tax them to get rich is about the most boring, regressive idea I can think of. I'm not convinced academia is a great deal better but hey, they're often funded by industry which limits their ability to set the agenda.

In my personal time, I try to write programs that are beautiful or interesting to me. Usually I've done that in Common Lisp because I like the workflow more than most languages and it is very flexible. I've written multiple NES emulators and Static site generators. I'm deeply captured by questions about what programs really _are_ and how they act as a strange encoding of hard fought domain knowledge.